SW Marcatus - September 24, 2011
SW ArtsFest

This September, DC’s smallest quadrant will hold its first annual SW ArtsFest. SW ArtsFest 2011 will bring together ten different organizations to present a cross-section of Southwest’s cultural community through a three-day festival with the theme “Discover Southwest.” The collaboration will include the (e)merge art fair and the Marcātus Creative Art Market, performances and children’s activities at Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater, the 10th Annual DC Jazz Preservation Festival, the Human Rights Film Festival, an outdoor art studio for children, and much more.
Location: Various Venues in Southwest, DC
Schedule: Friday September 23 to Sunday September 25, 2011
For general info email: info@swdcartsfest.org and swartsfest@gmail.com.
(e)merge art fairFriday–Sunday The (e)merge art fair (www.emergeartfair.com) will take place at the Capitol Skyline Hotel, 10 ISt., SW. (e)merge starts with a private preview on Thursday. The Fair will feature vetted exhibitions of art by DC-Baltimore area and international emerging galleries, nonprofits, and unrepresented artists, as well as panel discussions and performances, all for a public admission fee of $15.
Marcātus Creative Art MarketSaturday At 600 Water St., SW, Art Whino’s Marcātus will return for a special Southwest edition, with artists’ tents, arts and crafts vendors, music and food, and nationwide New Brow galleries. Admission to Marcātus will be free.
Hand Dance Performances, FacilityTours, Family Activities at Arena StageSaturday Arena Stage, 1101 6th St., SW, will offer guided tours of its new campus, theater activities for kids, and featured performances by the National Hand Dance Association (www.nationalhanddanceassociation.org). Admission to Arena Stage events will be free.
Jazz Night, DC Jazz Preservation Festival, Film FestivalFriday Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St., SW, will host its weekly Jazz Night. Admission $5. Saturday Westminsterwill host its 10thannual DC Jazz Preservation Festival, a free outdoor event (weather permitting) featuring DC’s finest “straight ahead” jazz musicians and vocalists. Vendors will sell handmade crafts, from leatherwork to jewelry, and fresh festival food, from fried fish to bread pudding. SundayWestminster will host the Human Rights Film Festival. Admission will be free.
Open House & Film FestivalSaturday Christ United Methodist Church, 900 4th St., SW, will present a concert by folk-music legend Donal Leace, dance classes from Jordin’s Paradise ($15 per class), dramatic readings about Southwest history, and art from Art Enables, a studio and gallery for emerging artists with mental or developmental disabilities. Sunday At Westminster Presbyterian Church, Christ UMC will co-present the Human Rights Film Festival, including (among other films) Michael Mack’s “The Drum Major,” about Martin Luther King, Jr., and two films by at-risk Southwest youth, followed by a panel discussion with filmmakers. Admission to all Christ UMC events will be free.
End of Summer FairSaturday St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 MSt., SW, will hold its annual family-friendly End-of-Summer fair, with tented seating. The fair will feature raffle prizes from local businesses; vendors selling arts and crafts, household items and second-hand clothes; local musicians; and numerous children’s activities. The fair will also offer a variety of fresh festival food, from hot dogs, barbecue, andSt. Augustine’s famous fried-fish sandwiches to home-baked pies, cakes, and cookies. Admission will be free.
Neighborhood Walking Tours
Saturday and Sunday Washington Walks founder and profes-sional tour guide Carolyn Crouch will conduct free walking tours of Southwest, one of DC’s oldest and newest neighborhoods.Tours will leave from the Waterfront Metrorail station.
Sock-Monkey Art Studio and Music on the Southwest Waterfront
Friday-Sunday At The Wharf on Southwest Waterfront, 700 Water St., SW, Hoffman-Madison Waterfront will offer musical entertainment and host a sock-money art studio (bring your own socks!). Admission will be free.
Southwest Church Musical Showcase
Saturday Second Baptist Church Southwest, 1200 Canal St., SW, will host outdoor performances by Southwest church choirs, dancers, and bands. Admission will be free.
Flea Market at Second Union Baptist
Saturday Second Union Baptist Church, 1107 Delaware Ave., SW, will host a flea market, featuring community art for sale. Admission will be free.