HENSE - October 6, 2012
Full building wrap by Atlanta Based artist Hense right here at the Nation's Capital!

About the Artist
HENSEBorn and raised in Atlanta, Brewer has been painting for about twenty years. He developed much of his technique in the street as a prolific graffiti artist and later muralist, working under the moniker HENSE. Atlantans have long enjoyed his verve for capturing the energy of place in commissioned public art for the City of Atlanta on the Beltline, the Shops Around Lenox, and for the permanent collection of public art at the Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs. Brewer has also painted in numerous U.S. cities outside of Atlanta and abroad in Spain, France, Japan, Taiwan and Mexico. His work has been exhibited in galleries in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Miami, New York, Richmond, San Francisco, Tokyo, Taipei, and Barcelona. His client list also includes AOL, Adidas, Sprite, Hilton Hotels, TED, T-Mobile, Ford, and Kia. Brewer recently erected a large installation at the Museum of Design Atlanta and at the of July begins a large mural at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art. After a humble beginning roaming the roads with a spray paint can as a young man, his career has recently exploded like the pastel shapes and scribbles of his paintings. Selected exhibitions and projects include “Soft Light,” Sandler Hudson Gallery, Atlanta, GA, (2008); Mark Making in Black and White, Sandler Hudson Gallery, (2011); “Letters First,” Tokyo, Taipei and Barcelona, (2006); “Skate it or Hang it,” Museum of Design Atlanta, (2012); Public mural, Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, Virginia Beach, VA, (2012); Float, Public mural, City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs, (2011); Loose, Public mural, RVASAF, Richmond, VA, 2012. Brewer lives and works in Atlanta, GA.

Musician and Selecta extraordinaire, Congo can generally be found in one of two places. If he’s not on the road drumming with DC’s own, Thievery Corporation or See-I: he’s jamming out to fresh vibes at the mysterious Lillypad studios. He is developing a unique blend of Afro-Latin Dub, as he evolves in to his own on the DC music scene. This EP-his first solo outing-proves that the sound is here, and Congo Sanchez is the ambassador. His over-all taste, and musical personality are a delight, with a superlative sense of rhythm and a musicianly approach to arrangements and melody.
“I embodied Afro-Cuban and Haitian rhythms while accompanying for world dance classes, and began composing pieces for Solo Percussion and Chamber Jazz Ensembles….built a DIY home studio and started to produce my own beats with these ideals in mind.”
Congo produces and performs everything on the EP, with two notable exceptions. Karen Joy McCoy plays shimmering violin on “Democrazy,” the opening track, while the horn section from Ikebe Shakedown – Morgan Price, sax; Jason Colby, trumpet; Nadav Nirenberg, trombone – add their blazing ensemble work to “T.E.T.O. (strut)” . Congo lays down subtle keyboard textures and multi-layered percussion tracks throughout, giving the music an otherworldly vibe rooted by his earthy backbeat.
“During college, I took interest world music. I learned of the Yoruba and Fon traditions of West Africa and how they remained vital throughout colonialization in the Western Hemisphere. All the time re-discovering these rhythms and melodies in music that I listened to growing up in suburban America.”
Congo Sanchez knows his roots and leads the listener on a fascinating journey along the vibrations of DC’s outernational sound.